A New Partnership!

Tulsa Bone & Joint and TSC Hurricane Announce Partnership
Tulsa Bone & Joint of Bartlesville is now the exclusive orthopedic and sports medicine provider to TSCH Bartlesville!
TSC Hurricane’s Bartlesville Division and Tulsa Bone & Joint Associates of Bartlesville are excited to announce that TBJ will be the exclusive medical athletic provider for TSCH Bartlesville.
As part of this partnership the club and it’s members will receive dedicated attention at the Adams Lake Soccer Complex during the Fall and Spring Seasons as well as access to services that only TBJ can provide.
TSCH Bartlesvlle is the competitive partner of WCSC and as such, WCSC's members will also have access to these exclusive orthopedic and sports medicine services.
This new partnership provides both TSCH Bartlesville AND WCSC members with benefits and added value that further differentiates TSC Hurricane and Washington County Soccer Club from other clubs in the region.
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