RainedOut Mobile Alerts and E-mails

To be able to more quickly alert our membership of important news, WCSC has implemented a new service. This service is totally FREE and will notify you via text message or e-mail. To receive the text messages or emails you must opt in (sign-up). For security reasons we are not allowed to import any contact information we may already have for you.
Before you sign up, please read the FAQs from RainedOut's website. Also, please verify that you have a text message plan that will allow you to receive these notifications without charging your monthly cellular bill.
To sign up to receive text messages (including but not limited to - cancellation of games, closing of fields, important event reminders) simply text the number 84483 with the keyword wcscsoccer. This means you send a text to the number 84483 and in the body of the text simply put the keyword wcscsoccer, and press send.
To sign up for emails or if you prefer an alternate method to sign up for texts, you can visit WCSC's RainedOut Page. Simply follow the instructions on this page. To register this way with multiple numbers or emails you will simply go through the process multiple times.
We are really excited about this new service and hope that it helps get you important information even faster. If you have any questions about RainedOut that are not answered by the FAQs, please email our webmaster.
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