JDL / Closed League comparison

Side by Side look at closed league and JDL options
With the Alliance formed between Washington County Soccer Club (WCSC) and Tulsa Soccer Club-Hurricane (TSCH) players will have an option to participate in a closed league (in-house) or in a traveling Junior Development League (JDL) program.
· U5 and U6 players will all participate in a closed league Bartlesville league. Games will be played at Robin wood Soccer Complex and players will be assigned one practice night per week to be held at the Robinwood fields.
· U11 and older recreational players will play in a traveling Open League with home games played at either Robinwood fields (U12 age group) or Daniels fields (U14, U16, and U18 age groups).
· For all U11 and older competitive players, please visit our competitive web page on our www.bartlesvillesoccer.org website for tryout and team information.
· U7 – U10 players will have the option each season to sign up for the closed league and play all of their games in Bartlesville, or sign up for the TSCH-Bartlesville JDL league and play some of their games in the Tulsa area. Details are outlined below.
Philosophy of our FC Bartlesville Academy program and the new TSCH-Bartlesville JDL program:
· FC Bartlesville Academy is an all-encompassing group that covers all recreational "closed" leagues from U5 to U10. The goal of FC Bartlesville Academy is for all players to get the highest level of training possible from qualified FC Bartlesville Academy trainers. All FC Bartlesville Academy trainers are hand-picked and trained by our local Academy Director of Coaching. All FC Bartlesville Academy training sessions are in sync with US Youth Soccer and all of its affiliates.
· The Junior Development League Model will emphasize quality training in small group formats geared towards those players that would like to play at a more competitive level. The Junior Program will incorporate elements from the US Soccer Player Development Curriculum led by US Soccer Technical Director. JDL training teams will participate in regularly scheduled "league" games to provide an opportunity for the junior players to apply what they learn in a non-threatening or over "competitive" environment that is very prevalent across different leagues today. 7v7, 8v8 and/or 9v9 will be used in the U8-10 age divisions (depending on age and level) and 5v5 in the U7s.
*** Note - JDL teams will practice in Bartlesvilleville, times and locations TBA ***
To see a side by side comparison of Closed League vs. JDL click here
If you are interested in registering for JDL this season, please click here for more instructions.
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