Non Competitive Uniform Information

WCSC Uniform information
We are pleased to announce that we have a new online uniform ordering process hosted by Challenger Teamwear.
- Open recreational U11 and older players have the option of using our uniform online process or continuing to order team uniforms through their team coach. Please check with your U11 and older team coach before proceeding.
- For the Spring 2016 seasons our U6 players will continue to wear the MLS Recreational Adidas kits with the MLS replica jerseys. This was a youth promotional program that is no longer available and was not replaced with a similar uniform option. Returning U6 players who sign up before teams are formed will be placed on the same team with the same jersey. New U6 players need to send an email here with their child’s youth size and we will check on availability with our current inventory.
- All U5 – U10 players (beginning in Fall of 2016 this procedure will apply to U6 as well) will now wear the same white and navy jersey kits that our U7-U10 players have been wearing for several years. If you have a navy and white uniform from the past passed down by a sibling, then you are welcome to continue wearing the same navy and white jersey. Whenever you need a new jersey you will go to and place your order online. The uniform will be delivered to your home address.
· You will be allowed to choose your own jersey number. We know and understand that there will be duplicate numbers on any given team, however with our closed league in Bartlesville there will not be any problems with having duplicate numbers on the same team. If a recreation team travels to an area tournament, then they would need to make sure they have different numbers for each player. U11 and older Open Recreational teams must have separate jersey numbers for each player, so please consult your team coach before ordering your uniform.
***Note: We currently have a few navy and white jersey kits left over from last season and we are selling these full kits at a discount to clean out our inventory. These full jersey kits do have our current Truity jersey sponsor and we will be selling them for $35/kit. Please send an email here with your child’s youth size and we will let you know if we have a discounted jersey kit in your size.
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