WCSC Return to Play Guidelines

Hello WCSC Family,
We hope everyone is settling into the school year and ready for the upcoming soccer season. As things are getting more relaxed around youth sports, we want to bring attention back to OSA’s return to play guidelines and good practices. We want to make sure that we all do our part to help keep everyone as safe as possible. By returning to trainings, games and other soccer activities, you are agreeing to assume and accept the risks involved with returning to play. The following applies to games, trainings, and other soccer related events:
Parent Responsibilities:
• Ensure your child is healthy, and check your child's temperature before activities with others.
• Consider not carpooling or very limited carpooling.
• Stay in car or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements
• When at training, wear a mask if outside your car & and stay more than 6 feet away from people outside of your family.
• Ensure child's clothing is washed after every training.
• Notify your club immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason.
• Do not assist your coach with equipment before or after training.
• Be sure your child has necessary sanitizing products with them at every training.
Players Responsibilities:
• Take your temperature daily and especially before activities with others.
• Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.
• Bring, and use, hand sanitizer with you at every training.
• Wear mask before and immediately after all training.
• Do not touch or share anyone else's equipment, water, food or bags.
• Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.
• Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.
• No group celebrations, high-5s, hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, etc.
• Follow all CDC guidelines as well those of your local health authorities.
Coach Responsibilities:
• Ensure the health and safety of the participants.
• Follow all state and local health protocols and guidelines.
• Ensure all athletes have their own individual equipment (ball, water, bag etc.)
• Ensure coach is the only person to handle equipment (e.g. cones, disk etc.); do not enlist parental or attendee assistance.
• All training should be conducted outdoors and compliant with social distancing per state or local health guidelines.
• Coaches should maintain social distance requirements from players based on state and local health requirements.
• The use of scrimmage vest, or targets, is not recommended at this time.
• Help players with social distancing prior to training
Equipment: Prior to each session:
• All equipment that is touched during play should be disinfected with spray/wipes.
• Only staff should touch equipment, if possible.
• Emphasis should be placed on exercises that allow players and buddies to practice skills with 6 feet of distance from each other, if possible.
• Exercises should avoid transitions that involve "physically tagging a teammate" such as relay races or tag. Use alternative visual cues.
• Consider small-sided games.
• Reduce the amount of time (and total number of players).
• No handshakes, high-5s or group celebrations; consider alternatives that avoid contact like individual dancing, hand waves, gestures, etc.
We also would like you to be aware of the following game day procedures that will be in effect this season:
We ask all spectators stay in their cars till 5 - 10minutes before their players scheduled game time. This will allow the spectators from the previous game to vacate the sidelines so that the new spectators are able to socially distance. If you need to walk your player out to the field to find his team/coach, then please do that, returning to your vehicle until 5 - 10minutes before game time.
Opposing teams will sit on opposite sides of the field. Home teams, coaches, and spectators will sit on the same side with the away team, coaches, and spectators on the other side. This will allow spectators to use the whole sideline to space out (6 feet apart) as stated in the Covid-19 return to play policy. Home Team will sit on the North or East Sideline and Away team will sit on the South or West Sideline.
There will be no coin toss held by the referee. The home team will have kick off first half and the away team will pick which end they want to defend.
There will be no handshakes or anything similar before during or after the game.
Thank you,
WCSC Board
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